The service you require is not on this list? Please contact me directly.
Country Analyses
Together with other experts we draw up comparative analyses to assist you in your decision for a business location. We have partners in the following countries: China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand.
Screening Trips
You are planning a business venture in Vietnam? We organise your individual screening trip to all the places in Vietnam according to your needs. We arrange the logistics (transport, hotels, interpreter etc.) and assist in planning your route. We gladly arrange meetings with German investors, representatives of the International Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the German Business Association, the Consulate General, the embassy, local administrations and consultants. We have many years of experience not only in the booming regions in the North and South but also in the small and little known provinces. See the country and meet the locals: we also organise a cultural or touristic programme for you.
Market Entry Consulting
You are planning to establish a sales department or a production site in Vietnam? Together with our network of local partners we advise you in all steps of the market entry.
Market Analyses and Feasibility Studies
In cooperation with local experts in different areas of studies we draw up detailed and custom-made market analyses for our clients: for your production site, the entry of your products in the Vietnamese market, the sourcing of products etc. We have drawn up market studies for the following sectors: medical engineering, production of precision mechanics, local consulting market, local market for management training, production of construction materials, sourcing of fruit, university education (MBA), tourism.
You are looking for a business partner in Vietnam? We help you find the right one. We also assist you in M&A projects.
Search for a business location
Vietnam is on your short list and you are now looking for the optimal business location for your venture. We can give you a competent overview of Vietnam's provinces and industrial zones. We know the booming cities around Hanoi and Saigon as well as the more remote provinces. -
Intercultural coaching und supervision
Even for the widely traveled, Vietnam can be a difficult and obscure working environment. We prepare your executives and employees for their jobs in Vietnam. The basis of our coaching is based on detailed information about the country and personal experience. Practical tipps and valuable contacts complement the coaching.
We also offer advice and support to your staff in Vietnam in one-to-one appointments and workshops.
Trainings and seminars
In cooperation with our partner universities in Vietnam and Germany we offer tailor-made training courses for your staff. Our courses range from intercultural training to management topics. With both universities we have established a FIBAA-accredited study course in international management consulting ( Over the years we have developed different modules for training courses and coaching that can be combined and modified to meet the needs of our clients.
The topics and way of teaching are based on relevant up-to-date theories and teaching methods. All topics are strongly related to practice. -
Arrangement of service providers for the formation phase
If you require services for your venture in Vietnam that we do not offer, we are happy to assist you in finding the right, qualified local partner.